Jures Medis

Jures Medis


  • 成立于 1976
  • 手指加入 - 膠接
  • 從100到200名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - Slab - - 建築材 - 木螺柱 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 瓣 - 细木工 - 枕木 - - 销子层压木材 - 指接板 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 夹心板 - - - 胶合窗框 - 胶合门框 - 弯曲木构件 - 廚房門 - 檯面 - 椅腿 - 桌腿 - 完成的抽屜 - 樓梯踏板 - 楼梯支柱 - 木瓦和摇屋面 - 床板條 - - 家具制造用木材 - 楼梯扶手 - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 刨光材 - - 地板襯墊 WPC - 地板地材 WPC - 防滑飾面板 WPC - 外部覆層 WPC - 內部牆板 WPC - 襯裡 WPC - 踢腳線 WPC - 貨架 WPC - 樓梯踏板 WPC - 招牌 WPC - 吸音板 WPC - 蜂窩芯 WPC - - 樓梯 - - - 木窗 - 棺材 - 百葉窗 - 木材的工艺品 - 冰淇淋木棍 - 软木 - 木稻草 - - 門套 - 門側板 - 門芯 - 木梁用于窗户 - 門皮板 - - 木框架房屋 - 圓角木屋 - 木枋造房屋 - 結構面板的房子 - 桑拿 - 花园小屋 - 车库 - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - - 外门 - 室内门 - 楼梯立板 - - 窗台 - 由天然软木制成的产品 - 天然软木塞 - 结块软木塞

  • 服務

    剝皮服務 - 刨光服務 - 鋸切服務 - 蒸汽服務 - 木材热处理 - 窯幹服務 - ISPM 15處理 - 木材压力浸渍 - 尺寸鋸材熱帶木材 - 標準尺寸溫帶硬木 - 尺寸鋸材軟木 - 漂白服務

地点 立陶宛, Kazlu Ruda, Medelyno g. 4,Jures km.

UAB Jūrės medis is one of the largest manufacturers of glue laminated timber structures in the Baltic states. The company has produced such structures since 1974 and the origins of the company date back to 1909 when the german merchant F.Torkler has established a new sawmill in Jūrės kaimas. Extensive experience and high quality of products is approved by the quality certificate of the German Otto Graf Institute for strength classes A, GL24(BS11),GL28(BS14) and GL32(BS16) in accordance with DIN and EN norms. In 2012 the company received ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificates.

UAB Jūrės medis produces straight and bent laminated timber building structures, massive wood beams connected along the length and wooden roofs. We also produce log houses, bath houses and summer bungalows from glued beams. We produce houses from cut spruce and pine lumber jackets, which together with beams are produced using modern equipment, employing extensive experience, gained throughout the entire life of the company. The constructions are produced from Lithuanian and Siberian spruce, pine and larch timber, using melamine glue.