NTC Mehobrabotka

NTC Mehobrabotka


  • 成立于 2004
  • 木工機械和設備製造商
  • 從50到100名員工

地点 俄國 107140, 莫斯科, str. Krasnoprudnaya , d.3-5, str.1

The Fabrication of the spare parts for industrial equipment.

The Main trend to our activity designing the nodes and detaley and completing industrial object запчастями. Consumers to product many branches to industry: polygraphic, energy, dairy, alcoholic and many others

Our enterprise can:
- design, make and repair nodes and spare parts of the equipment and mechanism
- make detail on outline, образцам and drawing customer
- make design documentation on products

The Enterprise specializes on fabrication of the following details:
- An Anything numbered six m=1/8 C.P. 200 on machines Nilpeter, Labelmen, Arsoma, Mark Andy, Omet, Comco, Soloflex and many others.
- an anything numbered six (the cylindrical прямозубые, косозубые, cone-shaped, oval, solar, with circular teeth); module before 26
- a knives (flat, disc, зубчатые, blade and others.)
- a grosses (L before 5 m), шлицевые grosses
- an asterisks
- a dies, matrixes, stamps
- a worm pair(vapour)s
- a bushings, flange, вариаторы, cone, шнеки
- обрезинивание gross, roller
- a ceramic gross, sniffled and adjutage for пескоструйных device
- a casting of the details (Steel, Cast iron, Non-ferrous metals)
- blacksmith\'s-punching details

Following tech. processes are used In production:
- defensive and dimensioned galvanic covering
(three-dementional processing, TVCH,)

The Periods of the fabrication Standard 10 workdays Urgent - 3 workdays.