Schmidt & Olofson

Schmidt & Olofson


  • 帐户已验证
  • 成立于 1996
  • 認證(ISO,FSC,PEFC等)
  • 從200到500名員工
  • 产品

    木制搅拌器 - 木砧板

  • 服務

    生態認證 - 質量檢驗 - 管理咨询

地点 俄國 197183, 聖彼得堡, 8, Sestroretskaya ul.

Professional development of delivery contracts on wood raw material with dimensions, quality and volumes;
Independent and competent inspection of wood material supply which excludes possible losses both for the Supplier and the Purchaser;
Well done mechanism of cooperation between suppliers, trade companies and consumers;
Complex control of output in storehouses.