Domenico Corà from Corà Domenico & Figli spa, has been elected the new president of Fedecomlegno, succeeding Giampiero Paganoni who has been in the role for two three-year terms.


Italy’s timber federation Fedecomlegno names Domenico Cora as new president

Oct 15, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. Domenico Corà from Corà Domenico & Figli spa, has been elected the new president of Fedecomlegno, succeeding Giampiero Paganoni who has been in the role for two three-year terms, as the European Timber Trade Federation said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

Mr Cora is also President of the Wood–Furniture Section of the Veneto Industries Association. Thanking Fedecomlegno members for their votes, he said a focus of his term in office would be helping the Italian timber import section compete in an increasingly fierce fought global market.

“Business is more complex than before, both due to the economic crisis and the rise of emerging economies,” he said. “The result is price tension and cut throat competition.” Another key issue of his presidency, he added, would be Italy’s compliance with the EUTR.

“Fedecomlegno members must be a good model for all Italian ‘operators’, by sourcing wood backed by guarantees for safeguarding the forest resource,” he said.

Also at the Fedecomlegno agm, Pierluigi Shifino of Shifino Legnami was elected vice-president.