Safwood SPA

Safwood SPA


  • Основана в 1994
  • Лесоуправление / Лесозаготовка
  • 0.6 тыс.кубометров в год
  • от 1 до 10 человек

Место расположения Италия 29100, Эмилия-Романья, Пьяченца, Via G. Milani 1

Safwood is an FSC-certified integrated forest company that has been managing a cocncession of 600.000 hectarus in the Republic of Komi throught its russian subsidiaries.
The group is specialized in wood production such as tiber, panels, match boarding, beams and laminated panels. It is one of the Russian market's majior timber producers and sells its products internationally.
Safwood is well-known for its high quality wood products (fir and pinewood), thanks to the favourable conditions in its supply forests as well as the high-standard palnt and machinery used during the different wood processing phases, with an integrated production cycle.