Krona SPb

Krona SPb


  • 成立于 1993
  • 刨磨
  • 從200到500名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - - 建築材 - 瓣 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 铁路枕木 - - - - - - - - 细木工 - - - 指接板 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 销子层压木材 - 夹心板 - - - - 胶合窗框 - 胶合门框 - 弯曲木构件 - - 廚房門 - - 檯面 - 椅腿 - 桌腿 - 完成的抽屜 - - - 樓梯踏板 - 木瓦和摇屋面 - 床板條 - - - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 刨光材 - 台板 - - 樓梯 - - 木窗 - 棺材 - 百葉窗 - - 木材的工艺品 - 冰淇淋木棍 - 软木 - 木稻草 - - 門套 - 門側板 - 門芯 - 木梁用于窗户 - 門皮板 - - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - - 外门 - 室内门 - 楼梯立板 - - 窗台 - 由天然软木制成的产品 - 天然软木塞 - 结块软木塞

  • 服務

    尺寸鋸材軟木 - 標準尺寸溫帶硬木 - 木材压力浸渍 - 木材热处理 - ISPM 15處理 - 窯幹服務 - 刨光服務 - 鋸切服務 - 蒸汽服務

地点 俄國 195027, 聖彼得堡, Jenergetikov distr., 9

JSC Krona - is a large trading - industrial company that has been successfully working at the market of Saint-Petersburg since 1993.
JSC Krona has a good reputation as a stable woodworking company with wide variety of saw-timber goods. The company takes leading positions on volume, quality and assortment of saw-timber at the market of Saint-Petersburg.
Thirteen-year experience in producing and cooperation with supplies gives an opportunity to make best and interesting offers.
The major part of Krona`s clients are building companies and private persons who are interested in building costruction. Krona tries to carry out any complicated application made by our buyers or to offer respective replacement considering all requirements.
JSC Krona has 5 branches in different parts of Saint-Petersburg.