


  • 成立于 2020
  • 软木锯材厂
  • 12000 thousand cubic meters 每年
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - - 建築材 - 镶木地板用木坯 - 木螺柱 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 瓣 - 细木工 - 铁路枕木 - - 指接板 - 指接木条 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 销子层压木材 - 夹心板 - - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 家具制造用木材 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 楼梯扶手 - 木质框 - 刨光材 - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - - 外门 - 室内门 - 楼梯立板 -

地点 俄國 119331, 莫斯科, Pr-t Vernadskogo 21, building 3, office 607

LLC "M.S.C" is an actively developing company of like–minded people. The company "MSK" supplies construction materials to various facilities in Moscow and the region, such as high-tech and large-scale buildings, residential buildings, highways and sports complexes.
Our plant is one of the most modern and technically equipped in the North-Western region of the Russian Federation among wood processing enterprises.