


  • 紙漿生產商
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 产品

  • 服務

    公路貨運 - 海路和水路運輸 - 鐵路運輸 - 仓储服务

地点 俄國 190020, 聖彼得堡, Admirala Cherokova 22 lit.A

Fast and timely delivery of marketable pulp by road or rail transport in compliance with the appropriate conditions for the transportation and storage of goods from our warehouse.

From our warehouses you can always get the strongest pulp from northern wood.

Bleached sulphate pulp from softwood
Bleached sulphate pulp from a mixture of hardwoods
Bleached sulphate pulp from a mixture of softwood 70% and 30%
Cellulose sulphate unbleached
Sulfite semi-bleached softwood
Shipment can be carried out by rail, road transport.