Heritage Home Group

Heritage Home Group


  • 臥室家具
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 产品

    臥室套 - 床 - 衣櫃 - 抽屜櫃 - 床头柜 - 廁所表 - 椅子,凳子 - 床頭 - - 客廳集 - 表 - 沙發 - 座椅 - 書櫃 - 餐具櫃 - 展示櫃 - 存儲 - 抽屜櫃 - 電視櫃 - 椅子 - 酒吧 - 凳 - - 飯廳套 - 餐桌 - 餐椅 - 展示櫃 - 餐具櫃 - 邊桌 - 凳 - - 霍爾設置 - 霍爾表 - 桌案 - SOAT和帽子立場 - - - - - - - -

地点 美國 27265, 北卡羅來納, High Point, 1925 Eastchester Drive

Heritage Home Group is a world leader in designing, manufacturing, sourcing and retailing home furnishings. We market our products through a wide range of channels, including our own Thomasville retail stores and through interior designers, multi-line/independent retailers and mass merchant stores. Our portfolio includes some of the best known and most respected brands in the furniture industry.