Idaho Forest Group

Idaho Forest Group


  • Основана в 2008
  • Переработка хвойной древесины
  • 1 billion board feet в год
  • от 1 до 10 человек
  • Продукция

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Место расположения США 83815, Айдахо, Кер-д'Ален, 687 Canfield Ave., Suite 100

Idaho Forest Group was formed in 2008 when two regional timber interests – Riley Creek Lumber and Bennett Forest Industries – combined their resources. The company continues to invest in new facilities, technology and manpower.

From its Coeur d’Alene, Idaho headquarters, the closely held, family-owned company continues to be “Idaho Grown.” The company founders hold high standards when it comes to product, process and company objectives.

This is a healthy, growing company – big enough for its national and international markets, but with hometown ethics and pride in a job well done. Excellence is the goal in caring for natural resources, employees and customers.