Sachsenland Transport & Logistik GmbH

Sachsenland Transport & Logistik GmbH


  • Перевозка, экспедирование грузов, логистика
  • от 50 до 100 сотрудников
  • Услуги

    Автомобильные грузовые перевозки - Складские услуги

Место расположения Германия D-01067, Дрезден, Magdeburger Str. 58

The company Sachsenland Transport & Logistik GmbH Dresden is a medium-sized company managed by its owners and actually 36 employees as well as 3 trainees. Sachsenland’s head office is located in Dresden. Subsidiaries has been established in Duisburg and Moscow. All offices provide service for intermodal transports and all kinds of logistics needed nearby the regional customers. As of 2012 our representative office in St. Petersburg starts to work.

The main focus lies on the organization and processing of transports to and from Eastern Europe, e. g. to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia. We also organize transports from and to the Asian regions of the former USSR like Georgia, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Concerning transports in Western Europe we focus on routes from and to UK, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.

At our multimodal logistics center we offer interim storage facilities to customers. Our bonded warehouse plays an important role for our clients. For example for our Asian customers we act as a logistics turntable for the regional or north-east european just-in time distribution of their products. Customs only arise when the products leave our bonded warehouse. Since 2012 we have the AEO-Certificate.

We are able to store and handle heavy cargo up to 20 tons with a gantry crane in our own warehouse. Oversized and heavy cargoes can be handled close to the terminal. With cranes we move 90 tons and via our Ro-Ro-dock site even 450 tons/coli.

„Sachsenland Transport & Logistik GmbH“ has been established in 1999 in Döbeln/near Dresden.

In 2001 the relocation took place and the company moved to Dresden.

Relocation led to renaming the company into „Sachsenland Transport & Logistik GmbH Dresden“ in January 2002. At that time Sachsenland held 350 sqm sized storage facility.

In November 2002 we received the approval as licensed shipper and sender.
2003 in a first step the storage facility was increased to 650 sqm and in a second step to 1,200 sqm in 2004.

2004 we received the bonded warehouse status by custom authorities.

In 2005 Sachsenland has been establishing a representative office in Moscow.

2006 Sachsenland further has been extending its business. A subsidiary branch office was opened in the Rhein-Ruhr-Area in Mühlheim an der Ruhr which was moved to Duisburg later.

2008 „OOO Saxonia-Logistic“ as a reliable and qualified partner of Sachsenland has been established in Moscow.

2012 the Sachsenland trimodale logistics terminal at Port Alberthafen in Dresden was inaugurated. A wider range of services as well as up-to-date handling and storage facilities can be offered to customers now.

As of August 2012 our second representative office in St. Petersburg started its work.