


  • Основана в 1997
  • Трейдеры
  • от 10 до 50 сотрудников
  • Продукция

    Необрезная доска - Полуобрезная доска - Слэб - - Доска обрезная - Брусок - Брус - Рейка - Ламель - Столярная доска - Шпала - Пиловочник - - Пиломатериалы для поддонов - Шашка для поддона - Тарная доска - Деревянные размешиватели для напитков - Доски разделочные деревянные -

Место расположения Литва LT-12142, Вильнюс, Laisves pr. 123

Sprusas is the largest independent wood trading company in Lithuania. The company was established in 1997. Sprusas main activity is export of pallet boards and round logs, yet other products are also included in the product mix. The company is active in more than 30 markets located mainly in the Far East, the Middle East and Europe. The company operates and owns two packaging stations: one in Klaipėda - the main port of Baltic countries and the other in Vilnius - a connection point between Eastern and Western Europe.