Deep South Wood products and Fiber, LLC

Deep South Wood products and Fiber, LLC


  • 森林經理/收割機/記錄器
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - Slab - - 建築材 - 木螺柱 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 瓣 - 细木工 - 枕木 - - 指接板 - 销子层压木材 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 夹心板 - - - 木制颗粒 - 木磚 - 柴火 - 木炭 - 木炭磚 - 向日葵殼顆粒 - 向日葵殼磚 - 稻殼顆粒 - 泥炭顆粒 - 泥煤磚 - 秸稈磚 - - 木片 - 邊角料 - 木粉 - 鋸屑 - 刨花 - 吠 - 核桃壳 - - - 鋸日誌 - 圆柱体原木 - 方形原木 - 纸浆材 - 单板级原木 - 木杆 - 林地租约 - - 树苗 - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 -

地点 美國 39328, 密西西比州, De Kalb, 282 Carol Avenue, DeKalb, MS, USA 39328

Professional Foresters marketing higher best use logs and timber into specialized markets.
"From the woods to the end - line user, we strive to provide the best service available to the public, private and investment communities to achieve the maximum revenue and receipts while capturing the world's markets for these products." David Hancock, Owner DSWP&F,LLC; CFS,LLC
In days of my earlier career, we had many landowners that contacted us just to plant trees, assist in selling timber, and management work.

Since those days thirty five (35) years ago some changes have been made................. So,
In response to todays markets both domestic and international, we have to be able to react to needs, products, and supply capability. We work with our Landowners, Loggers, and Mill Suppliers to achieve the best product prices available.

Through our network of woodyards and loading locations we are able to get the specifis best use product to the international markets, and its distributors in a timely manner. We use the following methods of transportation, 1.) Over the road Trucking and Transport, 2.) Container Transport, 3.) Barge Traffic, 4.) Railroad and Intermodal facilities to get our products to major ports of call and shipping.