


  • 成立于 2014
  • 森林經理/收割機/記錄器
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 产品

    树苗 - 林地租约 - - - - 鋸日誌 - 单板级原木 - - - 木杆 - - 毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - - - 瓣 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 建築材 - 枕木 - - - - 圆柱体原木 - - - - - - - - - - - - 细木工 - - - - 销子层压木材 - 指接板 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 夹心板 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 貨盤木材 - 包裝材 - - 托盤 - EPAL 歐洲托盤 - 美國標準托盤 - 化學托盤(CP) - 特殊用途托盤 - 單向托盤 - 食物托盘 - 半托盤 - 箱式托盤 - 托盘领 - 模压托盘 - 托盤蓋 - 木箱子 - 酒盒 - - 桶 - 电缆卷筒 - - 天然木皮 - 工程單板 - 封邊條 - 鑲嵌單板 - 旋切單板 - 單板層積材(LVL) - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 -

  • 服務

    疏除 - 集材 - - 修剪 - 種植 - 移動剝皮 - 機械伐木 - 森林持續發展 - 砍伐

地点 葡萄牙 1500-461, Lisbon, Lisbon

Jefrancorp was created in 2014 with the purpose of developing business in a diversified number of areas, with special emphasis on the exploration, import and trade of exotic wood and its derivatives, mainly of Angolan origin.

We have in Angola a vast area of ​​forest, which we explore in a controlled and responsible way, preserving the environment.
We are in the process of ISO 9001/14001 and FSC certification.
With several species available, the wood can be supplied sawed in the form of a log, in a “cube” system or according to the needs of the client.
The main species of wood we exploit and market are; Undianuno; Mussibi; Dossier; Moreira; Kibaba; Longhi; Sapelly; among others.
We are at your disposal for any clarification.