Kermode Forest Products

Kermode Forest Products


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  • 产品

    胶合窗框 - 胶合门框 - 弯曲木构件 - 檯面 - 椅腿 - 桌腿 - 完成的抽屜 - - 樓梯踏板 - 楼梯立板 - 床板條 - 廚房門 - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 刨光材 - - 地板襯墊 WPC - 地板地材 WPC - 防滑飾面板 WPC - 外部覆層 WPC - 內部牆板 WPC - 襯裡 WPC - 踢腳線 WPC - 貨架 WPC - 樓梯踏板 WPC - 招牌 WPC - 吸音板 WPC - 蜂窩芯 WPC - 樓梯 - - 外门 - 室内门 - 門芯 - 門套 - 門側板 - 門皮板 - - 木窗 - 木梁用于窗户 - 窗台 - 棺材 - 百葉窗 - 由天然软木制成的产品 - 天然软木塞 - 结块软木塞 - - 木框架房屋 - 圓角木屋 - 木枋造房屋 - 結構面板的房子 - 桑拿 - 花园小屋 - 车库 - - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - 实木复合地板 - 的实木地板 - - 1带材镶木 - 3带材镶木 - 穿为多层拼花层 - - 层压地板 - 台板 - 防滑甲板 - - 花園木磚 - 綠廊,涼亭 - 花盆,花盆 - 兒童花園遊戲 - 柵欄,屏幕 - 蓋茨 - 游泳池 - 涼亭 - 狗屋 - 花園橋 - 花園的邊界,邊角料 - 圆木棒

  • 服務


地点 加拿大 V3L 3P2, 不列顛哥倫比亞省, New Westminster, 71 Braid Street

Kermode Forest Products is a manufacturer and re-manufacturer of high quality softwood lumber products. We supply lumber in rough, dry and semi-finished forms. Our markets include North American millwork shops, schools, as well as overseas window, door and furniture factories. We are also a lumber retailer, offering lumber, decking and fencing materials at wholesale prices to the public. We operate a remanufacturing plant in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada and this allows us to be able to maintain a high level of quality control. Our log and lumber supply comes primarily from the forests of beautiful British Columbia, where forest management laws are some of the most comprehensive in all the world, with primary concern for our environment and sustainability.

"The Spirit Bear"

The Kermode Bear lives in the heart of the famous great bear rain forest on B.C.'s central coast region. This spirit bear is a rare creature, symbolizing pristine wilderness conservation, sustainability and uniqueness. It is with this spirit of the Great Kermode Bear that we at Kermode Forest Products conduct our business. Our concern for environmental sustainability and quality of products is carefully measured with our relationships with our business friends, customers and suppliers.