Titan Group

Titan Group

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GC "Titan" and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University signed an Agreement on cooperation in the field of scientific and methodological support of sustainable forest management

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Group of companies "Titan" and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov (NARFU) has signed a cooperation agreement. The document was signed on 19 June 2017 by the rector of NARFU Elena Kudryashova and the General Director of holding Alexey Kudryavtsev. The main direction of cooperation is the scientific research, development of methods and the best practices when conducting harvesting in the areas leased by the logging enterprises of “Titan” to minimize impact on the environment. One of the main goals of cooperation between the University and the company will be the introduction of innovative achievements of science and technology directly into the production process. Under the Agreement, the NARFU will work out guidelines for determination of key habitats and their identification on site with necessary training in drawing up of flow charts and development of plots on the basis of the holding’s enterprises and will conduct research and development in the topical areas with the participation of the leading specialists of the University and the most promising students. It is also planned to fulfill researches in the field of forest management activities that ensure sustainable, continuous, socially responsible forest management on the forest areas leased by GC "TITAN" to develop methods for forest inventory using remote sensing.