6. Seven forwarders and one harvester were supplied in September-December 2005 by Forest Service Company to Ust-Pokshengsky forestry, Sijsky forestry, Dmitrievsky forestry and Velskoe LPP, Titan press-service reported.


Eight units of harvesting technique were delivered to Titan forestries in September-December 2005

Jan 17, 2006. /Lesprom Network/. Seven forwarders and one harvester were supplied in September-December 2005 by Forest Service Company to Ust-Pokshengsky forestry, Sijsky forestry, Dmitrievsky forestry and Velskoe LPP, Titan press-service reported. The last forwarder will be delivered on January 25. Specialists of Forest Service have also trained machines' operators on-site. According to Titan PCP director general Mikhail Papylev, "company to continue forestries' reequipment with up-to-date techniques." PCP Titan and Sweden Rottne Russian official dealer Forest Service have signed agreement in August 2005 on supplies of eight forwarders and one harvester to Titan enterprises worth Euro 2.6 million. Sweden Rottne produces harvesting technique. Company's turnover is Euro 45 million.