FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) approved the standards of Canadian boreal forest management, Greenpeace Russia spokesperson told Lesprom.ru.


FSC approved standards of Canadian boreal forest management standards

Sep 15, 2004. /Lesprom Network/. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) approved the standards of Canadian boreal forest management, Greenpeace Russia spokesperson told Lesprom.ru. As soon as the approved standard has set the precedent for the rest boreal forests on the Earth it will automatically serve as an etalon for the new standards designed in the countries where boreal forests are prevailing, including Russia whose standards are still being worked on. FSC, one of the world’s most known forest certification systems, approved the standards for steady boreal forests management. This standard will be used now for each single FSC certification case within the limits of Canadian boreal forests. Earlier Canada approved standards of FSC steady forest management for the province of British Columbia. Such a standard is an achievement in itself. The standard was designed for several years by a group of specialists including timber businessmen, NGOs, forest scientists, native residents and other interested parties. The standard reflects the opinion of its designers about the concept of steady forest management, its goals and criteria. The standard is based on a number of internationally-acknowledged principles and criteria approved by FSC and obligatory for application during the design of any national standard. The standard is based on the following principles: the commitment to the duties to follow the national legislation and international agreements and conventions; respectful treatment to the rights of workers, local and native residents; the reduction of impact on the environment and the protection of the high natural value of the forests. The approved standard is a multi-page document covering all the details of steady forest management and the ways to check whether a company meets the criteria. The standard was criticized for being too complicated and bulky at the initial stage. However the considerable volume of the document is explained by the necessity to include the vast number of audit indices. However the parameters were characterized by high precision and usability for the audit checks the standard was acknowledged as a valid one and the auditors are obliged to use it. The audit standard pays much attention to the high natural value of the forests, including vast forest landscapes. The standard outlines 3 size types of reserve forestries: regional (50-200 thousand hectares), national (200-500 thousand hectares) and worldwide (over 500 thousand). The following types of forestries have a high natural value and should be specially protected in accordance with the standard. When using the forestries the users should provide the preservation of the natural values. If this does not prove possible, the forestries should not be used at all.