BHG Wood

BHG Wood


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  • Услуги

    Управленческий консалтинг - Строительные услуги - Экологическая сертификация - Торговые услуги, услуги представителя, агента

Место расположения Литва 89103, Мажейкяй, Gamyklos G. 31m 31m, building 4

Discover our wooden summer houses, log cabins, garden rooms and other garden buildings direct from the manufacturer. All products has 5 year warranty. Our high-quality wooden buildings are constructed of premium, slow grown conifer timber (spruce and pine), well known for their superb quality. These log cabins are extremely strong, weather-resistant and very durable. The high quality conifer timber ensures the structures optimum strength. Our main purpose is to provide impeccable services for our clients, enabling them to find exactly what they need in the shortest period of time. Free delivery is available to most of European Union countries.