HNI Corp.

HNI Corp.


  • Офисная мебель
  • от 1 до 10 человек
  • Продукция

    Комплекты офисной мебели - Столы - - Кресла для персонала - Кресла для руководителя - - Бюро - Модульная мебель - Мебель для хранения - Мебель для приемной, ресепшн - Мебель для конференц-зала - -

Место расположения США 52761, Айова, Маскатин, 600 East Second Street

HNI Corporation is a family of leading brands providing products and services for the office and home. With deeply held values, our employees, who we call members, are united by a dedication to integrity, quality, innovation, service, continuous improvement and value creation for our customers.

Our values distinguish us in the way we look at things and the way we work. Driving our success is a set of unique and strongly aligned principles and processes enthusiastically shared by our members. It defines our distinctive personality, and stands at the center of our corporate Vision.