Alexander Lumber

Alexander Lumber


  • 視窗
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 产品

    • 建築材
    • 木窗
    • 外门
    • 室内门
    • 窗台
    • 由天然软木制成的产品
    • 天然软木塞
    • 结块软木塞
    • 的实木地板
    • 台板
    • 木制搅拌器
    • 木砧板

地点 美國 60506, 伊利諾伊, Aurora, 515 Redwood Drive

Alexander Lumber has been building communities since 1891, and we plan to continue doing so well into the future.

The following words might have been spoken by John Alexander when he founded the company, and they are every bit as true today:

People believe in family and in community, and people are going to invest in those communities and invest in homes in those communities. As long as we have customers, and as long as we find good people, Alexander Lumber has connections to those communities that will endure.

Our commitment and dedication, our service and reliability have never wavered.