Gabrieles Asociados Cia Ltda

Gabrieles Asociados Cia Ltda


  • 成立于 2016
  • 林地所有者
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 产品

    • 鋸日誌
    • 方形原木
    • 纸浆材
    • 单板级原木
    • 木杆
    • 林地租约
    • 立木
    • 树苗

  • 服務

    疏除 - 集材 - - 修剪 - 種植 - 移動剝皮 - 機械伐木 - 森林持續發展 - 砍伐 - 建设服务 - 生態認證 - 林業專門知識 - 機器保養維修服務 - 商户服务,代表服务代理 - 質量檢驗

地点 厄瓜多尔 175703, Quito, Rio Pastaza N° 19, building Pb, office 19

GABRIELES ASOCIADOS CIA LTDA It is a company that has more than 8 years of experience in the wood industry, with vast experience in the attention and solution to the requirements of our national and foreign customers, thanks to this we have an excellent quality in the manufacture of our products, which has kept us in the market as one of the leading companies nationwide. We are characterized by the honesty with which we have developed our business both with our customers and with our suppliers, our "QUALITY" banner.
We are exporters of wood and manufacturers and creators of all types of pallets, based on international standards and records for their preparation. Additionally, we build crates, packing boxes and many more made-to-measure products, for national and export use with phytosanitary registry of Agrocalidad, always looking for the best alternative for our customers in the transport of their products, without setbacks. Together with our clients, we develop the best option to transport and safeguard your most precious resources.