Jartek Invest Oy

Jartek Invest Oy


  • 帐户已验证
  • 久经考验的制造商
  • 成立于 1957
  • 木工機械和設備製造商
  • 從10至50名員工

地点 芬蘭 15101, Lahti, PO. BOX 14

JARTEK is specialized project supplier for wood processing equipment and mills.

Our product range includes sawmill equipment, drying kilns, equipment for thermal modification of wood, further processing plants, planing mills, gluelam presses and production lines, laboratory equipment and complete turn-key projects.

We supply tailor made comprehensive projects as well as smaller equipment deliveries to meet customer’s production demands. Combining a strong project management, reliable equipment and flexible operation we have been able to gain market leader position in Finland.