Jiangsu Fuqing Wood Industry Co., Ltd

Jiangsu Fuqing Wood Industry Co., Ltd


  • 合板
  • 從200到500名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - Slab - - 建築材 - 镶木地板用木坯 - 木螺柱 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 瓣 - 细木工 - 枕木 - - 指接板 - 指接木条 - 销子层压木材 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 夹心板 - - - 实木复合地板 - 的实木地板 - 甲板板 - - 1带材镶木 - 3带材镶木 - 穿为多层拼花层 - - 层压地板 - - 台板 - 防滑甲板 - 防滑飾面板 - 强化地板基材

  • 服務

    剝皮服務 - 刨光服務 - 鋸切服務 - 蒸汽服務 - 木材热处理 - 窯幹服務 - ISPM 15處理 - 木材压力浸渍 - 尺寸鋸材熱帶木材 - 標準尺寸溫帶硬木 - 尺寸鋸材軟木 - 漂白服務

地点 中国 200050, 上海, Minhang Rd No.166

Jiangsu Fuqing Wood Industry Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Fuqing group.
We are a 33 years LVL/Plywood products supplier with Top Exporting Sales Amount in China.
Fuqing has both domestic and foreign trade operation capabilities. It has developed for more than 30 years by relying on a strong brand, standardized and systematic management mode, high-quality dealer resources with mutual trust and win-win results and Fuqing team with common values.

If you are building and construction supplier, no matter big, medium or small size wood building materials distributor or wholesaler, or direct end-user, please just feel free to contact me for LVL & plywood: [email protected] wa.me/008613262791232