Jumbo Wood

Jumbo Wood


  • 成立于 Buea
  • 出口商
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 服務

    疏除 - 集材 - - 修剪 - 種植 - 移動剝皮 - 機械伐木 - 森林持續發展 - 砍伐 - - 仓储服务 - 鐵路運輸 - 海路和水路運輸 - 公路貨運 - - 建设服务 - 商户服务,代表服务代理 - 質量檢驗 - - 機器保養維修服務 - 林業專門知識 - 生態認證 - -

地点 喀麦隆 00237, Buea, Buea, Solidarity Entrance Molyko

We are Jumbo Wood Enterprise. A Cameroon base marketing company. We
market product from mother companies here in Cameroon such as Timber,
Coffee and Cocoa.

We supply Timber in Log form and swan form. Our wood are presently in Logs and we only saw the logs or cut to the
logs on buyer's dimension