Noka Holzverarbeitungs Gmbh

Noka Holzverarbeitungs Gmbh


  • 成立于 1986
  • 批發商
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 产品

    毛邊板 - 半邊板材 - Slab - - 建築材 - 镶木地板用木坯 - 木螺柱 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 瓣 - 细木工 - 铁路枕木 - - 指接板 - 指接木条 - 销子层压木材 - 鐸層壓梁 - 三重奏層壓梁 - 直集成材梁 - 彎曲膠合木樑 - 梁模板 - 交叉层压木材 (CLT) - 夹心板 - - - 鋸日誌 - 圆柱体原木 - 方形原木 - 纸浆材 - 单板级原木 - 木电线杆 - 木杆 - 林地租约 - - 树苗

  • 服務

    疏除 - 集材 - - 修剪 - 種植 - 移動剝皮 - 機械伐木 - 森林持續發展 - 砍伐 - - 剝皮服務 - 刨光服務 - 鋸切服務 - 蒸汽服務 - 木材热处理 - 窯幹服務 - ISPM 15處理 - 木材压力浸渍 - 尺寸鋸材熱帶木材 - 標準尺寸溫帶硬木 - 尺寸鋸材軟木 - 漂白服務 - - 鐵路運輸 - 海路和水路運輸 - 公路貨運 - 仓储服务 - - 事件管理 - 管理咨询 - 贷款和投资 - 建设服务 - 生態認證 - 林業專門知識 - 機器保養維修服務 - 商户服务,代表服务代理 - 質量檢驗

地点 德國 26683, Bremen, Langholter Weg 1a

The company 'NOKA'® was established in August 1986. Its production and operations began in January 1987 and it soon developed into a medium sized company. Manfred Norrenbrock is now responsible for the executive management.

We, the company 'NOKA'®, have specialised in the lamination of wood. At a time when the material of wood is continuously gaining in value, we see ourselves as being a wood refining company which has set itself the task of manufacturing an economical and above all else, ecological, natural product.

With our innovative products we can fully satisfy the requirements of our customers and help them to manufacture on a rational, cost effective basis. We primarily supply retailers with an extensive product range consisting of an exceptionally wide variety of woods.

Plant in Poland, T I S Spólka z o. o.
In 1996 TIS Spólka z o. o. in Poland was established.
In our Polish plant, we only work with pine wood. Among other products, we manufacture pine scantlings / laminated wood panels as well as sawn pine timber in all dimensions. The plant's volume currently totals approx. 4 HGV cargos per week.

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