Sierra Pacific Industries

Sierra Pacific Industries


  • 久经考验的制造商
  • 软木锯材厂
  • 從1000到5000名員工
  • 产品

    胶合窗框 - 胶合门框 - 弯曲木构件 - 檯面 - 椅腿 - 桌腿 - 完成的抽屜 - - 樓梯踏板 - 楼梯立板 - 床板條 - 廚房門 - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 刨光材 - - 地板襯墊 WPC - 地板地材 WPC - 防滑飾面板 WPC - 外部覆層 WPC - 內部牆板 WPC - 襯裡 WPC - 踢腳線 WPC - 貨架 WPC - 樓梯踏板 WPC - 招牌 WPC - 吸音板 WPC - 蜂窩芯 WPC - - 外门 - 室内门 - 門芯 - 門套 - 門側板 - 門皮板 - 木梁用于窗户 - 窗台 - - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - 木制颗粒 - 木磚 - 柴火 - 木炭 - 木炭磚 - 向日葵殼顆粒 - 向日葵殼磚 - 稻殼顆粒 - 泥炭顆粒 - 泥煤磚 - 秸稈磚 - 木片 - 邊角料 - 木粉 - 鋸屑 - 刨花 - 吠 - 实木复合地板 - 的实木地板 - - 1带材镶木 - 3带材镶木 - 穿为多层拼花层 - - 层压地板 - 台板 - 防滑甲板

地点 美國 96007, 加州, Anderson, 19794 Riverside Dr.


Sierra Pacific Industries is based in Anderson, California. The company owns and manages nearly 1.9 million acres of timberland in California and Washington, and is among the largest lumber producers in the United States. SPI is committed to managing its lands in a responsible and sustainable manner to protect the environment while providing quality wood products and renewable power for consumers. To SPI, sustainable forest management means more than just planting trees.

Harvesting trees is much different than it was 50 or 100 years ago – today we employ modern forest management practices that closely mimic natural forest events. Technology has dramatically improved, and with it, our ability to monitor forest conditions and minimize our impact on the environment. We have invested in state-of-the-art equipment to optimize every fiber of each tree, and we are a certified participant in the independent Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) to help ensure our forests are here for generations to come. The expertise of our professional foresters and natural resource specialists assures that wildlife habitat, water quality, and other forest values are protected.

“Sustainable forest management means more than just planting trees”.