地点 芬蘭 FI-00101, Helsinki, Kanavaranta 1
Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wood and paper on global markets. Our customers include packaging, joinery and construction industries as well as publishers, printing houses and paper merchants.
Our aim is to replace non-renewable materials by innovating and developing new products and services based on wood and other renewable materials. Our focus is on fibre-based packaging, plantation-based pulp, innovations in biomaterials, and sustainable building solutions.
The Group has some 27 000 employees in more than 35 countries, and is publicly traded in Helsinki and Stockholm. Our sales in 2014 were EUR 10.2 billion, with an operational EBIT of EUR 810 million.
We use and develop our expertise in renewable materials to meet the needs of our customers and many of today’s global raw material challenges. Our products provide a climate-friendly alternative to many products made from non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint.
Being responsible – doing good for the people and the planet – underpins our thinking and our approach to every aspect of doing business.