Zeleniy Mir

Zeleniy Mir


  • 帐户已验证
  • 成立于 2017
  • 木製房屋
  • 2 000 thousand cubic meters 每年
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 产品

    • 毛邊板
    • 半邊板材
    • Slab
    • 建築材
    • 镶木地板用木坯
    • 木螺柱
    • 木梁
    • 钉板条
    • 细木工
    • 铁路枕木
    • 木框架房屋
    • 圓角木屋
    • 木枋造房屋
    • 結構面板的房子
    • 桑拿
    • 花园小屋
    • 车库

  • 服務

    刨光服務 - 公路貨運 - 海路和水路運輸 - 建设服务

地点 俄國 353406, 克拉斯諾達爾地區, Anapa, Turku 12, korpus 2, nomer ofisa 27

Manufacturing of house kits and structural frames of complex geometric shapes: dome houses, arched houses, barnhouses, yurts, tipis, and other wooden constructions, as well as houses made from CLT panels, with delivery to any point in the world. Shipped through the port of Novorossiysk, we've delivered to 10 countries: Portugal, Spain, USA, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, UAE. We are looking for distributors for systematic export, investors, and partners.

Our product is essentially an IKEA-style house, which is very cheap and high quality because it is imported from Russia and quickly assembled due to CNC cutting and meticulous design.

A unique opportunity to invest in a highly attractive business with minimal risks.

Last year's LTV/CAC was 16, and since we learned to set up organic traffic, CAC is approaching one. We are seeking investments starting from 500,000 euros and considering any reasonable proposals.

Our business model is very simple: connect with 40 distributors, and we make 100 million euros. Our profit margin is 48-68% on the main product.

We already ship to 10 countries worldwide through the port of Novorossiysk and Turkey.
LTV = 25,000 euros, CAC = 1,550 euros.
We receive 300 warm leads monthly organically from search engines, and this number is expected to triple in 2024.
Average check for a structural frame: 1 million rubles.
Average check for a house kit: 2.5 million rubles.
Average check for construction (Krasnodar Krai): 4 million rubles.

150 types of houses, 2 patents on technology.

We reinvest all earnings back into the business. We've been operating for 7 years. This year, we plan to make over 1.1 million euros and reach breakeven.

Our website is fully translated into 3 languages, and within a year, we will be #1 in the world for unique wooden structures in organic reach. Then, we will integrate other manufacturers to create an aggregator, as our data indicates we will have a surplus of traffic and sales.

We are considering short and long-term investments but are more interested in strategic investments with funds or private companies that can enhance our connections and skills.