


  • Gegründet 2008
  • Gehobelte Holz
  • 0.1 thousand cubic meters pro Jahr
  • von 50 bis 100 mitarbeiter

Standort Russland 630105, Nowosibirsker Gebiet, Novosibirsk, ul. Kubovaya, d.88/1

Our enterprise has long history of attitudes with the enterprises and divisions ZH.D. During 5th years we were suppliers of cross ties on Решотинский, Томкий, Сарапульский and д.р. Шпалопропиточные factories of Russian Open Society ZH.D., the volume of annual deliveries was made with 100-150 thousand pieces of the cross ties proexhausted on own лесоперерабатывающих enterprises. Our enterprise makes deliveries, elements of the top structure of a way. During several years we work from Open Society " СУЭК ", Joint-Stock Company a cut "Черниговец", the Lenin TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, Kemerovo СПЖТ and a number of the large Novosibirsk enterprises. In 2006 our enterprise of Open Company " ПромМагистральСтрой-1 " began to carry out activity on construction, repair and the current maintenance of ways.
License ГС-6-54-01-26-0-5402467235-007790-1 from November, 7th, 2006 License ГС-6-54-01-27-0-5402467235-007789-1 from November, 7th, 2006