


  • Kreditinstitute
  • von 1 bis 10 mitarbeiter

Standort Russland 123104, Moskau, Tverskoy bulvar, 17/1

Companies undertaking investment projects on the territory of the Russian Federation often require independent consulting service. IFC Solid provides corporate finance services to Russian companies and international investors.
Under the instructions of clients we organise and conduct operations on acquisition of companies, creation of joint ventures and strategic partnerships, attraction of investments and financing.
The reliable relations with the sources of capital and conglomerate of investors, as well as detailed analysis of operations provide the high level of services provided by us in the area of finance and investments. The knowledge of Russian market, understanding of its national peculiarities and influential connections in the international business circles allow us to control and evaluate situation.

Detailed knowledge of market and influential connections with local and international companies working in the Russian Federation allow IFC Solid to prepare thorough market research giving the answers to the most important questions for potential investor. First of all that relates to the availability of market and its perspectives, companies operating on market being researched and optimal strategy of penetration onto the market.