Year-on-year, June 2017 Japan's imports of wooden office furniture were 50% higher than in June 2016 when office furniture imports fell dramatically. Month-on-month June 2017 wooden office furniture were down 20%.


Japan's office furniture imports up 50% in June

Year-on-year, June 2017 Japan's imports of wooden office furniture were 50% higher than in June 2016 when office furniture imports fell dramatically. Month-on-month June 2017 wooden office furniture were down 20%, as ITTO reported.

In June three shippers, China, Taiwan P.o.C and Portugal accounted for almost 79% of Japan’s wooden office furniture imports.

China is the largest supplier at 69% of all June 2017 imports of the product followed by Taiwan P.o.C (5%) and Portugal (4.5%). Shippers in Thailand accounted for around 4.5% of June 2017 wooden office furniture imports by Japan.