Södra has accepted the corporate fine and will pay it.


Södra must pay SEK 14 million ($1.4 million) fine after workplace accident

Södra must pay SEK 14 million ($1.4 million) fine after workplace accident

Bild: Orrefors sawmill

Timber giant Södra must pay a corporate fine of SEK 14 million ($1.4 million) after a fatal workplace accident at its sawmill in Orrefors in 2022, as SVT Nyheter Småland reports. A man in his 60s died and a man in his 35s was seriously injured. The reason was that a stack of wood packages fell over the two people.

“It was a pile of wood packages that collapsed on an employee who was on site,” says Jan Olin, public prosecutor at the national unit for environmental and work environment cases.

Larger companies, with greater turnover and many employees have to pay more in fines, according to the prosecutor.

“Since Södra Skogsägarna is a very large legal entity and financially well-off, they receive an increase in value of SEK 7 million, then it will be SEK 14 million ($1.4 million).”

According to the prosecutor, the timber giant has agreed to pay the fine.