Sweden's total notifications and applications for permission in productive forest land for final felling in February 2018 decreased by 3% to 15,075 hectares compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. This is the first decline since June 2017, except for December 2017.


Swedish Forest Agency: Notified final felling areas decreased by 3% in February

Sweden's total notifications and applications for permission in productive forest land for final felling in February 2018 decreased by 3% to 15,075 hectares compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. This is the first decline since June 2017, except for December 2017, as the Swedish Forest Agency says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

On the regional level, notified area of final felling decreased in Central Sweden (Svealand) by 21% and decreased in Southern Sweden (Götaland) by 6%. In the North of Sweden, on the contrary the notified area of final felling increased in regions Northern Norrland (Norra Norrland) by 15% and increased by 8% in Southern Norrland (Södra Norrland)

On the county level, notified area of final felling decreased in 14 of 21 counties. The largest decline of 44% was in Västmanland County followed by Örebro County and Dalarna County with 36% respectively.

Gävleborg County accounted for the highest increase by 47% in February 2018 compared with the corresponding month last year.
When comparing 2018 and 2017 it has so far, this year 5% more notified area of final felling in the first two months. In the North of Sweden, the corresponding figure was 10%.