The value of pellets import in 2015 reached £777 million compared to £129 million in 2011.


UK increased wood pellets import 6 times to 9,692 thousand m3 over the last five years

Over the last five years, United Kingdom has increased wood pellets import 6 times to 9,692 thousand m3 compared to 1,502 thousand m3 in 2011, according to UK overseas trade statistics. The value of pellets import in 2015 reached £777 million compared to £129 million in 2011. In 2015, wood pellets import increased by 38% from the level of 2014 to 9.7 million m3.

The total wood product imports to UK in 2015 were valued of £7.5 billion, an increase of 5% from the 2014. This comprised 58% pulp and paper (mainly paper), 17% sawnwood, 13% wood-based panels, 10% wood pellets and 1% other wood.