WestRock Company unveiled a connected packaging solution for smart products that combines Digimarc’s enabled barcode technology, with EVRYTHNG’s IoT Smart Products Platform to bring embedded, real time, connected digital intelligence to billons of WestRock packages, in-store signs and displays produced annually.


WestRock, EVRYTHNG and Digimarc launch connected packaging solution

WestRock Company unveiled a connected packaging solution for smart products that combines Digimarc’s enabled barcode technology, with EVRYTHNG’s IoT Smart Products Platform to bring embedded, real time, connected digital intelligence to billons of WestRock packages, in-store signs and displays produced annually.

As part of this smart packaging collaboration for paper-based consumer packaged goods (CPG) products, WestRock, a leading provider of differentiated paper and packaging solutions, will print Digimarc Barcodes that can be scanned by smartphones, point of sale scanners, and other machine vision devices.

Digimarc Barcodes are essentially invisible barcodes repeated across the entire surface of packages and other media. These ‘digital triggers’ are integrated with the EVRYTHNG market-leading IoT Platform, giving each physical package a unique Active Digital Identity (ADI) and data profile in the cloud.

“WestRock’s Connected Packaging Solutions brings new levels of real-time interactivity to paper based consumer packages globally,” said Craig Gunckel, President, WestRock’s Enterprise Solutions and Displays business segments. “The combination of smart packaging, powered by smart software in the cloud, makes literally billions of packaged goods more intelligent, more interactive, more trackable and more valuable to CPG companies, retailers and their customers.”