Ассоциация по сотрудничеству в области экологии, сельского хозяйства и развития села в Восточной Е.

Ассоциация по сотрудничеству в области экологии, сельского хозяйства и развития села в Восточной Е.


  • Gegründet 1991
  • Schulungen, Trainings
  • von 10 bis 50 mitarbeiter

Standort Deutschland 10405, Berlin, Winsstrasse 60

APOLLO's mission is assisting the organic movement and promoting the rural sector in Eastern Europe.
Our goal is the regionwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based on the principles of sustainability.

APOLLO implements educational projects that facilitate the adoption of sustainable land management. Within the last 15 years we have organised more than 1400 internships at companies that are committed to sustainability.