FinScan Oy

FinScan Oy


  • Gegründet 1989
  • Ausrüstung und Werkzeuge für die Holzbearbeitung
  • von 10 bis 50 mitarbeiter
  • Produkte

    Automatische Kappsägen - High-Speed-Optimierung Sägen - Pusher Optimierung Sägen

Standort Finnland 02200, Espoo, Lukupurontie 2

FinScan is a privately owned company operating from Finland. The personnel, 16 experts, have experience of sawmill automation, image processing and optimization of valuable raw material, such as sawed boards, as early as from the 70's.

FinScan is the leading developer and supplier of automated wood material grading systems. FinScan's know-how and experience are at the most top international level. The products of FinScan are exported world-wide, i.e. everywhere where remarkable wood processing industry can be found.

The main products of the company are:

BoardMaster scans individual boards and makes fast board quality analysis. With about 300 reference installations, BoardMaster is the most famous grading scanner for the sawmill applications.

EndSpy is a board end analyzer for sawmill applications. It utilizes modern and fast image analysis technology to determine the value of sawn wood pieces on the production line.

MoistSpy is a moisture profile analyzer. By combining MoistSpy with BoardMaster and EndSpy sawmills get even more comprehensive information about their timber.

With FinScan's products sawmills have increased value yield and production capacity of their production lines globally.

For more information about us and our products visit

Our representatives in:


Sweden & Norway

USA & Canada