Masco Corporation

Masco Corporation


  • Schränke, Garderoben
  • von 1 bis 10 mitarbeiter
  • Produkte

    Kleiderschrank - Kommoden - - Küchengarnituren - Küche Lager - Küchentische - Küchenbau - Kommoden - Sideboards - Weinkeller - Küchenstühle - Bänke - - Badezimmer Sets - Schränke - Racks - Spiegel - Hölzerne Getränkerührer - Schneidebretter aus Holz - Aussentüren - Innentüren - - - - - - - - - - Waren aus Naturkork - Naturkork - Presskork

Standort Vereinigte Staaten 48152, Michigan, Livonia, 17450 College Parkway

Masco Corporation is today one of the world's largest manufacturers of brand- name products for the home improvement and new home construction markets.

Community involvement and good citizenship are important parts of the Masco corporate creed; and through its Foundation, the Company has demonstrated its commitment to a variety of arts, cultural and housing-based organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, serving the communities in which its companies and employees reside.