Panelz Inc

Panelz Inc


  • Sperrholz
  • von 1 bis 10 mitarbeiter
  • Produkte

    Sperrholz Interior - Film Sperrholz - Sperrholz Exterior - Rutschfestes Sperrholz - Flexible Sperrholz - Spezialsperrholz - - Spanplatte - OSB Platten - MDF Platten - - - - Hölzerne Getränkerührer - Schneidebretter aus Holz

Standort Vereinigte Staaten 33178, Florida, Doral, 11326 NW 53 Lane

PANELZ Inc. is a 20 year old company based on the foundation of family and service to our customers. Our manufacturing experience combined with our network in mills in Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and China guarantee our clients a full selection of products.