Repinho Reflorestadora Madeiras e Compensados Ltda

Repinho Reflorestadora Madeiras e Compensados Ltda


  • Konto verifiziert
  • Bewährter Hersteller
  • Gegründet 1990
  • Sperrholz
  • 135 thousand cubic meters pro Jahr
  • von 500 bis 1000 mitarbeiter
  • Produkte

    • Sperrholz Interior
    • Sperrholz Exterior
    • Spezialsperrholz
    • Spanplatte

Standort Brasilien 85015796, Guarapuava, Ver.sebastião De Camargo Ribas 950, office Matriz

Since 1990 acting with professionalism, Repinho Reflorestadora Madeiras e Compensados, Guarapuava-PR, Brazil has been tracing with dynamism and responsibility a safe trajectory, developing solid business relationships through wood products with proven origin, quality, and on-time delivery. Re-investment in technology, environment, new businesses, educating, qualifying and providing the chance of a future for its employees and the population along the company's illustrious president.