Antalis has signed the legal documentation for refinancing its main factoring contract for an amount of Euro 215 million, whose maturity has been aligned with that of the Group’s Euro 285 million syndicated credit facility (i.e., 31 December 2021).

Printing Papers

Antalis completes the last step in its refinancing programme

Antalis has signed the legal documentation for refinancing its main factoring contract for an amount of Euro 215 million, whose maturity has been aligned with that of the Group’s Euro 285 million syndicated credit facility (i.e., 31 December 2021).

Together with the signature of the legal documentation for the syndicated credit facility on 31 May 2018, this agreement completes and finalises the legal aspects of Antalis’ refinancing programme.

This provides Antalis with the resources for pursuing its external growth strategy in the higher-margin Packaging and Visual Communication sectors while consolidating its leadership in the Papers sector.

Antalis is the leader in B2B distribution of Papers (number 1 worldwide outside the United States) and industrial Packaging, and number two in the distribution of Visual Communication media in Europe.