Australian Forestry Standard Ltd. elects Dr Hans Drielsma as interim chairman. In this role he has been instrumental in the development of a more active multi-national promotion of the PEFC in the Asia region, and has served on the PEFC International Governance Review Panel.


Australian Forestry Standard elects Hans Drielsma as interim chairman

Australian Forestry Standard Ltd. elects Hans Drielsma as interim chairman. Dr Hans Drielsma succeeds Kate Carnell AO who was lauded for her services to Australian Forestry Standard Ltd at the AGM in Sydney on October 25. Dr Drielsma is internationally renowned and was appointed to the PEFC council as a board director in 2006.

In this role he has been instrumental in the development of a more active multi-national promotion of the PEFC in the Asia region, and has served on the PEFC International Governance Review Panel. A recipient of the prestigious Institute of Foresters of Australia’s Norman Jolly Medal for outstanding services to the forestry profession, Dr Drielsma has post-graduate qualifications from Yale University in forest policy and natural resources sociology.

Australian Forestry Standard Limited (AFS Ltd) is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.