This initiative seeks to broaden the production capabilities of Tolko Industries' mill, moving beyond commodity plywood to encompass specialty, industrial, and engineered wood products.


BC government funds expansion in Kamloops to boost engineered wood production

BC government funds expansion in Kamloops to boost engineered wood production

Image: Depositphotos

The Government of British Columbia is investing up to $8 million through the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (BCMJF) to support the expansion of Tolko Industries' Heffley Creek operation. This initiative aims to diversify the mill's production capabilities, extending beyond commodity plywood to include specialty, industrial, and engineered wood products. The investment will also fund the construction of a new facility for the Heffley Creek Engineered Wood Division, bolstering the local economy and reinforcing job stability in the area.

The expansion is set to maintain about 250 direct jobs at the Heffley site and is anticipated to generate 20 new positions. This development is part of a broader effort to promote high-quality, made-in-B.C. forest products and underscores the government's commitment to harnessing innovative manufacturing and technology to maximize the value of forest resources.

Additional funding of $45,760 will also aid Tolko’s Lake Country Division in exploring the use of robotics for producing non-residential wood products. This reflects a strategic move towards modernizing the forestry sector and adapting to technological advancements.

The BCMJF has allocated a total of $91.3 million to support 81 organizations within B.C.'s manufacturing sector, including 51 forestry sector organizations which have received up to $70 million to date. These funds aim to create over 1,100 jobs and protect nearly 2,000 existing manufacturing roles across the province, with a significant focus on rural economic development.

This financial backing is part of a series of government programs aligned with the Industrial Blueprint, a strategic plan to foster a cleaner, competitive industrial future for B.C. by leveraging local resources and talents to boost the quality of life and economic diversity across communities.