The program aims to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year through forest investment activities, such as planting and fertilization.


British Columbia province plants its 10-billionth tree

British Columbia province plants its 10-billionth tree

Image: Depositphotos

British Columbia province is celebrating the 10-billionth tree planted since reforestation programs began in 1930, with 2 billion of those trees planted in the past seven years.

Last year, 305 million seedlings were planted in B.C. forests. One of these seedlings was the 10-billionth planted since work began almost a century ago.

Forest tenure holders have been legally required to undertake reforestation efforts since 1987. In 2024, 235 million of the 290 million seedlings expected to be planted will be done through forestry companies, with an additional five million planted by First Nations.

In addition to legislated reforestation efforts, the Province will plant an additional 50 million trees this year through several provincial and federal programs. These initiatives focus reforestation efforts on areas that have been adversely affected by natural disturbances, such as mountain pine beetle infestations and wildfire.

Included in the 10 billion is a milestone from the Ministry of Forests’ BC Timber Sales (BCTS), which is marking its one-billionth tree planted since the organization was founded in 2003. BCTS issues approximately 40 tree-planting contracts to local and small business operators throughout the province every season. By partnering with other Ministry of Forests branches, as well as industry and the planting contract community, it contributes to the successful planting of millions of seedlings each year.

The Province’s research and investment programs continue to work improving silviculture practices to boost the success of every seedling and help make sure B.C.’s forests are resilient in a changing climate. Climate resiliency is one reason why the Province provided the Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management – a world-class research institute based in Smithers – with $10 million in 2023. Its new Silviculture Innovation Program will support research and innovative practices that better address forest and ecosystem health.