Guyana's government has outlined a policy change with respect to certain species exported as logs or squares. Changes in the export tax targets two schedules for logs and one for squares with dimensions of 20.3 cm x 20.3 cm and greater. Beginning in 2015 taxes for Schedule A logs will be raised by 3% while for Schedule B logs the export tax will be raised by 2%.


Guyana to raise log export tax in 2015

Nov 26, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. Through a consultative process with stakeholders the Guyana's government has outlined a policy change with respect to certain species exported as logs or squares. Changes in the export tax targets two schedules for logs and one for squares with dimensions of 20.3 cm x 20.3 cm and greater. Beginning in 2015 taxes for Schedule A logs will be raised by 3% while for Schedule B logs the export tax will be raised by 2%, ITTO reports.

Special consideration will be given to local companies or entities exporting squares (products with dimensions of 20.3 cm x 20.3 cm and above) for engineering end-use applications. Also the restriction on the export of crabwood (Andiroba) and locust (Jatoba) logs remains in place.