Japanese Kitakami Plywood mill is under construction and will be completed by the end of this year. It plans to acquire JAS certificate on structural plywood in January next year then will start commercial production in March.


Kitakami Plywood plans plywood export

Jan 24, 2015. /Lesprom Network/. Japanese Kitakami Plywood mill is under construction and will be completed by the end of this year. It plans to acquire JAS certificate on structural plywood in January next year then will start commercial production in March, ITTO reported.

The plant uses 100% locally produced species like cedar and cypress to produce about 3.3 million sheets (12 mm/3x6 base). The main product will be structural panel then in future it will make concrete forming panel and floor base panel.

Since Seihoku group has other plywood mills in the same region, mills adjust producing items with each other. After Kitakami mill starts up, other mills reduce production of structural panel, which will be Kitakami’s main product and make other items.