Metsä Group is preparing to build a next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland. The next concrete step is to demolish the existing, decommissioned pulp mill to make room for the new bioproduct mill planned for the same site. The demolition is expected to last for about six months.

Wood Pulp

Metsä Group begins demolition of old pulp mill in Äänekoski, Finland

Oct 10, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. Metsä Group is preparing to build a next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland. The next concrete step is to demolish the existing, decommissioned pulp mill to make room for the new bioproduct mill planned for the same site. The demolition is expected to last for about six months, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

The final investment decision on the new bioproduct mill is planned to be made next spring, in which case the new mill would become operational during 2017. Demolition will start early, so that construction of the new mill can begin as soon as a decision is reached on the new investment.

The bioproduct mill project organisation is responsible for the demolition project. Metsä Fibre has chosen Delete Kierrätys- ja Purkupalvelut Oy, a Finnish company that specialises in industrial demolition, as the head contractor. The two companies have previously engaged in cooperation at other Metsä Fibre mills.

The old sulphate pulp mill in Äänekoski operated from 1961 to 1985. The process machinery was removed in the 90s, and the mill has been empty ever since. The existing buildings have a volume of about 250,000 cubic metres – about 2.5 times the size of Finland's Parliament House. Its demolition will generate crushed concrete and brick, which will be used during excavation work for the new mill. Other waste will be placed at appropriate sites in accordance with the waste management licence.

The demolition site will be cordoned off from the rest of the mill area, and the demolition work will not interrupt the operations of the other mills. The demolition will not cause any noise disturbances or environmental hazards.