Metsä Tissue is investing in a new production line for hand towels in its Raubach mill in Germany. The total investment is approximately Euro 10 million and the new production line for Away-from-Home products will be operative by the end of 2018.

Tissue Paper

Metsä Tissue invests in new Away-from-Home production line in Raubach mill in Germany

Metsä Tissue is investing in a new production line for hand towels in its Raubach mill in Germany. The total investment is approximately Euro 10 million and the new production line for Away-from-Home products will be operative by the end of 2018, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

“The demand for tissue papers is expected to continue steady in all market areas. With this investment we want to strengthen our capacity and market position especially in the West European Away-from-Home markets. Raubach mill is conveniently located for serving the Continental customers, and with this investment, we can ensure prompt deliveries of our Katrin tissue products also going forward”, says Juha Tilli, SVP Away from Home.

Metsä Tissue is a leading tissue paper products supplier to households and professionals in Europe and the world’s leading supplier of baking and cooking papers.