006. Integration of former Swedish Korsnas Packaging into Seguezhsky PPM structure will be scheduled by the end of July 2006.


Plan of integration of former Korsnas Packaging into Seguezhsky PPM structure to be completed by the end of July 2006

Jun 19, 2006. /Lesprom Network/. Integration of former Korsnas Packaging (Sweden) into Seguezhsky PPM (Karelia Republic, Russia) structure will be scheduled by the end of July 2006, Seguezhsky PPM press-service reported. Seguezhsky PPM has acquired Korsnas Packaging, producing paper sacks, for Euro 73.5 million. The buy-in has taken place on 31 May 2006 in Stockholm. Former Korsnas Packaging and Seguezhsky PPM paper sacks producing division were consolidated into Segezha Packaging.